Kelly: Approaches to Curriculum Development in ELC

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Kelly: Approaches to Curriculum Development in ELC


Available 3rd May 2024

ISBN: 9781738454525

A contemporary and comprehensive text which carefully explores the central issues involved in curriculum development. Based in theory but practical in approach, it provokes critical thinking while inspiring learners to fully engage with all concepts.

  • Examines various pedagogical approaches that influence early childhood education today with an emphasis on implementation in practice 

  • Theoretical perspectives on pedagogy are outlined with a focus on how they can be used to create a supportive and culturally responsive learning environment

  • Explores how educators can develop meaningful learning environments, both indoors and outdoors, and how best to create these in modern educational settings

  • The role of the educator is considered from various perspectives, through collaboration, reflective practice, and the co-construction of knowledge. Assessment, the anti-bias approach, and transitions are also discussed

  • Applying theory to practice, this book draws on the latest reading, research and online resources on early childhood development and education.


Sinead E. Kelly, B.A. in Early Childhood Care and Education, Graduate Diploma and M.Ed. in Early Childhood Education, Postgraduate Diploma and M.Sc. in Systemic Psychotherapy, Postgraduate Diploma in Educational Leadership. She currently works with Dundrum College of Further Education.
